A woman holding onto a bunch of rings

About Barbara Blue

Barbara Blue has been entertaining us for a long time. She performed 5 nights a week for nearly 25 years on Beale Street where she was honored with a brass note on “The Beale Street Walk of Fame.” Both the Hard Rock Café Memphis and Pittsburgh, PA honored her with a Memorabilia Case. She received numerous awards for her talent to include the “Emissary of Memphis Music

Award,” “MBA Nomination for Best Contemporary Female Blues Artist Award,” “Traditional Artist of the Year,” “Best Traditional CD (Fish in Dirty H2O),” BMA Nominee for “Female Soul Blues Artist of the Year.” She has had 5 years of successful tours of Australia, along with a host of international festivals and continues to travel around the world to select festivals, gigs, and events. For a complete bio Click Here.

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The Reigning Queen of Beale Street

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Real Customer Reviews

SmartWPress Customers

  • A cartoon of a man in a suit and tie.
    Ronnie Earl
    “Barbara Blue is somewhere between an earthquake and a hurricane…”
  • A man with a hat and a beard.
    Taj Mahal
    “Barbara’s got the goods…”
  • A woman with glasses is smiling for the camera.
    Silky O'Sullivan
    "Barbara Blue can make a glass eye cry."
  • A cartoon of a man in a suit and tie.
    Dave "Doc" Piltz of mnblues.com
    "She's bold; she's brassy; she's downright sassy; but one thing is for sure, Barbara Blue can really sing."

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